Step 1 – Assemble Your Resources
Assemble Your Resources
All WordPress Websites Start the Same
Your first step is to line up resources and complete the basic groundwork.
Regardless of how your website ends up, or how many websites you have, you will need to act on each of these blocks! These blocks build upon each other, and the order in which you complete them is important.
This website is your resource to follow. It’s open 24/7, and you don’t even have to sign up. Membership is optional and free; registered members can also download a free PDF guide and checklist.
New Google Account
Get, and use, and use a new Google account to use with your new website.
Your Google Gmail account is your gateway to a lot of free Google services.

Password Manager
Get, and use, and use a password manager.
You will have multiple accounts associated with your WordPress Website, and a 3rd-party password manager will make your life much, much easier.
Buy Web Hosting
“Best Practice” is to buy your web hosting from a different company than where you registered your domain.
You will use cPanel to create email forwarders to send incoming messages to your new gmail account.
Install WordPress
You will use a cPanel script to install WordPress.
It’s easy! You need to answer a few questions, including an email address, then press “start.”
Configure WordPress
Log out of cPanel. You’re done.
Now, log into your new WordPress website to begin the first round of configuration.
Log in to see pricing information:
You don’t have an account? Join! Your membership is free.
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