Website Development

Today I have started to change this entire website to the Block Editor.

Block Editor vs Classic Editor

I am doing this because this is where WordPress is going! Everyone should be using the block editor, now.

August 31 – I have just completed converting all pages from the classic editor to the block editor. I needed 2-1/2 hours for the conversion. By the end, I had practiced over five dozen conversions!

  1. I opened the page in the Classic Editor mode.
  2. In the right-had column, I clicked on the “Switch to Block Editor” link.
  3. I did no know that WordPress has a “Classic” block, and WordPress simply copied the old page, html and all, into the single block.
  4. Across the top of the page are three stacked lines that opens a map of blocks on the page. There is only one block: “Classic.”
  5. I clicked on the one block to select it, and there was an option to “Convert to blocks.”
  6. I did that!
  7. Now, the block map on the left side shows the new blocks!
  8. I went through the blocks one at a time, and the corresponding block was highlighted in the content area. If there was something I didn’t like, I could correct it immediately.
  9. Finally, I [Updated] the page
  10. From there, I went back to “Pages > All Pages” to find the next page to convert.
  11. Repeat….

To prevent future temptation, I have also deactivated the “Classic Editor” plugin. I’m not ready to remove it (best practices to do so).

I just realized that it has been over 2 years since I’ve posted in this area. I am discovering the things I need to do!

  • Create categories other than “uncategorized”
  • Assign categories to the previous posts
  • Write something, tomorrow, as I progress down this road!

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