[1] Create Forwarders
[2] Install WordPress
Your next step after buying web hosting is to open cPanel. At this point, you are interested in two actions:
Create email forwarders
Install WordPress

Another task th
You will need an administrator email address when you install WordPress. Many people use their regular, personal email address. That is OK. We recommend that you use an email forwarder.

In the cPanel EMAIL section, find the “Forwarders” icon to create the following addresses:
- 0.admin > forward this to your new Gmail account. It provides a single exit point.
- contact.form > 0.admin
- postmaster > 0.admin
- webmaster > 0.admin
- wp.admin > 0.admin
- wordfence > 0.admin
- wordpress > 0.admin
All the forwarders link together. If someone addresses an email to “” then it will eventually be delivered to your personal email box. You will see it, without having to check another email account.
Close the email Forwarders window and return to the cPanel main menu. Drill down to the WordPress installation script. In this example, it’s in the SOFTALUCOUS APPS INSTALLER section.

The WordPress Manager icon can eventually take you to the installer.
Here is an image of the next screen. Click on “Install.”

Follow the instructions on the screen. Here are some of the questions you can expect, and the answers we recommend.
Choose Protocol

It is OK for you to accept the default, “https.”
Choose Domain

It is OK for you to accept the default, which is the name of the domain you choose.
Choose Directory

It is OK for you to accept the default, which is blank.
Choose Version

It is OK for you to accept the default, which is the latest version. You can click on the tick mark to confirm that the highest number is showing.
Enter Site Settings

Enter your site name and description. Don’t dwell on this because you can change this later.
The “multi-site” and “cron” blocks should be unchecked. Leave them unchecked.
Enter Administrator Information
Save this information!

The “Admin Username” is what you will use to log into your new website. Change it!
You cannot change this entry. You can add and probably will add additional administrator accounts.
The “Admin Email” is associated with the “Admin Username.” Here is where you can use a forwarder
(wp.admin or wordpress)
Choose Language

English is the default and is probably what you want to use.
Select Plugins

It’s OK to accept the defaults.
(The W3 Total Cache is specific to web hosting from NameCheap.)
Advanced Options
Select Theme

It’s OK to ignore these options.
You may explore them if you’re curious, but otherwise, leave them alone.
Email Instruction details

Don’t ignore this option!
WordPress will send the login and password to this address.
This address is not saved anywhere else and is only used here.

Now it’s time to click on the “Install” button.
The actual installation will only take 2-3 minutes.
You’re done with cPanel. Log out, and close it. Actually, you’re done with all the preparation work. Everything after this is done from within WordPress itself.
Log in to WordPress
In a new tab, enter the URL for your website and add “/wp-admin.”
Use the admin name and password you entered earlier.

Log in to see pricing information:
You don’t have an account? Join! Your membership is free.
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