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outdated information!

This site is being rebuilt! It has not been updated in 2 years.

Each page must be reviewed for accuracy and relevance. The workflow and prices need to be brought into the year 2021.

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Has your website been hacked?

Actually, this question should have the word “yet” at the end of the heading. 2022 I found a really good video on how to fix this problem yourself. It’s pretty straightforward, but not for the faint of heart. Also, the time to watch this is now, and remember where to find it later!

(47 minutes)

The most popular question is “How?” was my website hacked. Ben Martin suggests that you not waste time in forensics.

This link skips to the point where he explains why:
Ben Martin’s Q&A session

Has your computer person disappeared?
Do you need our help to restart or kick-start your WordPress Project?

I wrote an article in 2016 that needs to be copied here: Has your “Internet Guy” (or “Internet Girl”) disappeared?

screen capture from wpbeginner website

Here’s another place to start: a checklist from WPBeginner “10 Things You Should Do When Inheriting a WordPress Site

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